2019(e)ko azaroaren 12(a), asteartea

Slovenian trip: day 1

Day 1 in Solvenia:

We have taken the flight to Paris at midday. From Paris we have travelled to the capital city of Solvenia, Ljubljana. When we have arrived there, we were impressed by how small the airport was. In fact we wanted to buy an umbrella and there were no shops!

The school we are visiting is in Trbovlje, located an hour away from the airport, and we have hired transport from the airport to this city. Seconds after landing we have received a short message from Katarina telling us that she was waiting for us outside. The service is totally recommendable( GoOpti). Our driver was very kind and had a good  English level.

On the way, she has given us some information about Slovenia, about the old Jugoslavia, the languages spoken and some geography facts. She has explained us that in the area we are visiting there are lots of dialects, similar to our language, and that the Slovenian language is difficult to learn. We have spoken  about the Basque language and the similiraties with her mother tongue.
When we have arrived in Trbovlje we have searched for the Youth Hostel, and the first thing we have encountered there has been a poster of an Erasmus event hosted in our hostel.

The room we were given has the name of a nearby hill : Planina. We have laughed at the coincidence: in our school the rooms are also named by the nearby mountains!

After having rested a bit we went to have dinner to a restaurant which is located 50 metres away from our hostel. As we entered we wanted to say hi in Slovenian but we were speechless. We understood how  our students feel when visiting a new country and meeting new people. We both know this experience will totally open our minds in learning a new language and a new culture and understanding our students when learning a foreign language.
We were lucky that the waiter spoke some English and we have asked for the menu. Our surprise has been that everything was in Slovenian!

We have asked the kind waiter for translation, but he suggested to use the translator. We have tried various with no success and he have decided to ask for A pizza. Our surprise has been that we have been brought one pizza for each of us. Enormous!!!

And we have also tried some local beer: Lasko pivo. Great!!!!

How to end a dinner without a dessert!Of course we have asked for dessert and without asking the waiter has brought us a delicious huge piece of chocolate cake. There is always place for sweets.

In the bill , "racun", the price quality relationship has been amazing.

Before coming to the hostel we have been chatting with the chef in "Germanglish". We have explained the project and he couldn't believe that we have come here to work. He had the idea of the typical (how is the typical Spainish people )Spanish with his siesta, as he said, and he insisted in that. That's why it is important to travel and meet new people to end for once with those "cliches".

By the end of the night we have learnt how to say thanks and you are welcome: hvala and prozim. Two of the most important words in the uderstanding with people. That's all for tonight. We are exhausted:

iruzkinik ez:

Argitaratu iruzkina