2019(e)ko azaroaren 15(a), ostirala

Day 4: best readers competition

Friday, 15 November

Today it has been an exhausting but exciting day , full of emotions, as we are leaving tomorrow. 

First hour in the morning we have interviewed a student about the Reading and Debate Club and afterwards about his skills to draw.
Here you can see the interviews and his drawings.

After this great interview and having seen some of his drawings (most of them comics) we have attended the music class were we have enthustiastically taken part. It has been a very participative class in where rithym and use of different instruments mixed with body expression has been  practised. They were also given a sentences, part of a story, that tey had to read taking into account the mentioned feeling: sad, excited, scared....This has been very interesting to see how they work te reading in other areas.

At 10 o'clock we attended Marian's sport class with the 7th grade student's. They have amazing facilities and today's class has been about volleyball. We couldn't resist the temptation to take part in the class and at the end of hour the teacher has given us a 5, which means a ten in our system. We were more than happy!!!!!

After leaving the gymnasium we have been in a hurry to the Best Readers Ceremony. The selected students from the 4th grade to the 9th grade (3º ESO) have participated in a Kahoot about the 5 books they had to read last school year. The winners have received a prize from the Headmistress. Apart from that , they did a bingo with all the names in a box and the Headmistress took some names out of it and gave them a book. Ursa has asked the winners how did it feel to receive this present. And, of course, they were thrilled and willing to start reading the new book.

From 12 to 13 we have presented our school to some teachers and students. They were very interested in knowing more about us. They really want to come and experience it. 

Ursa and Erika have said that we have lots of things in common, most of all, our worries and our will of self improvement. They have shown us the "Sensorial Room" which is a treasure, like the library, for the students. An as an  image is worth more than a thousand words, have a look at some photos of the room.

We relaxed so much there that we had to hurry to get the train to Lbjuana. What a beautiful city!!!With lots of bridges, palaces and well kept old-town, amazing restaurants and a big square with a market. It will be in short decorated with a big Christmas tree. 
And we have to go to sleep now. Our taxi is arranged for 8:15 tomorrow. We hope you enjoyed the blog. For any questions or information write:


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